Feeling good after the gym

The feeling that I get after being at the gym and while I am there is one of the biggest reasons for me to go there. At least that is what inspires me to go there three times a week even though the visible progress will take much longer time to see.

But after just a few weeks lifting weights I am already feeling more tight, I am sleeping better and am eating A LOT. The difference between what I am eating now compared to my pre-gym life is that now I want to eat real food. I don't crave sugar and cakes as much any more.

I eat about five times a day, not because I am on a strict diet, but since my body is screaming for food! Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and on gym days I take a protein shake straight after working out.

Except the gym I also find it a lot easier to keep up my cardio training nowadays. I have lowered my expectations to how much cardio I need to do each week to three workouts a week - instead of before when I was pressing myself to go for a run or go for a spinning class 6 times a week.

Now it is just to keep up the good work and the results will show on my body, mental health and overall well being.